
Know about the management system of infrastructure development in southeast Asia

The management of Infrastructure development southeast asia is managed by combining three platforms. They are Singapore Management University [SMU], Infrastructure Asia [Infra Asia], and World Bank Group [WBG]. The partnership of these associations has helped in designing and developing one of the best building programmes for mid-level regional government and officials present in the infrastructure sector.

Goal of the infrastructure development company

This infrastructure programme has connection with the players of the regional infrastructure ecosystem including the collaborative network of the various industries. The ultimate goal of these industries is the ‘growing infrastructure’ in all the areas of the private sector with a rapid increase in finance and innovation of the company.

Working of the company

The aim of raising awareness among the participants is another goal of the company to support sustainable infrastructure development for long term economic growth in every region of the country. Participants involved in the working procedure are equipped with skills and knowledge that is helpful in creating a regulatory environment.

The pandemic of COVID-19 has raised a greater interest in the regional policymakers for a sustainable infrastructure including a clean energy resource. There are certain international financial sources that are supporting the project of clean energies.

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